Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't written in forever. My excuse is that I lost my camera cord and so I couldn't upload any pictures. But now it has been found. We had a fun weekend with Ben's birthday. We went to Orem Rec Center on saturday afternoon to go running and swimming. Then we ate at bombay house (indian food). It was delicious (thanks Jana!). Then on sunday I made some delicious french toast and eggs for breakfast, and lasagne for dinner. Sheri and David came over and we had cheesecake for dessert. We had fun playing 4-player wii (world of goo and tetris). The top picture is Ben just before he got his hair cut. He actually let me cut it... I'm surprised that he did because one time I tried to cut it and put on the wrong shaver head... and I ended up giving him a bald patch. It was really nice of him to let me try again. It turned out very good this time... I'll have to add another picture of his short hair now...

Ben's Birthday