Monday, August 9, 2010

Alcatraz and tummy time

This is at the very edge of Pier 39 with Alcatraz island in the background. We didn't go to the actual prison, because apparently the weather is freezing and windy there, so I didn't want Bethany to get too cold. So we just looked at it from a distance. It was SO nice to get out of the house and do something touristy. Bethany slept the whole time! We also stopped at Ghirardelli chocolate square and got ice cream and chocolate. That was a nice ending to the outing.


  1. lovely pictures. You look good! I think it sounds funner to get ice cream and chocolate than see a prison any day!

  2. Oh I am so behind on your blog! I had some fun catching up reading tonight. Thanks for updating, I need to update asap.
    You have such a beautiful family!! I LOVE the picture of Beth doing tummy time! And the sea lions! How adorable! I'm so glad that you guys had a fun weekend!
    The picture of the glass is insane... what a miracle. Truly.
    Well I will do better at checking your blog- so keep the updates coming! I get to Utah tomorrow and I am SOOOO excited to meet your little angel! See you so soon! Love you xoxoxo
