Sunday, September 25, 2011


We've just spent the last week in Maui. It has been so wonderful. HUGE THANK YOU to mom for watching Bethany for us. You are SO AMAZING and SWEET to do that. Thanks to Sheri for helping out so much too, and giving up your house for a week. Thanks to everyone else who has helped (Cortny, Dave, Scott, David, KatiAnne). Bethany loves you all so much. It has meant the world to us to be able to go on this vacation together. It has been an INCREDIBLE trip. We've had very action-packed days. We snorkeled, boogie boarded, scuba dived, and swam. Luckily we are only minimally sunburned. Last night we ate at a delicious Chinese restaurant in south Maui and then walked along the beach at sunset. Maui is beautiful.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


This is exactly what we saw when we snorkeled. These turtles are AMAZING! They come really close to you as well. A few times we got scared because they swim right for you like they are going to attack! They are harmless, but because they're so big you just feel a little vulnerable. They're so beautiful! This was my favorite part of the trip.
We saw a lot of these bright yellow reef fishies. They are so bright, they really stand out even if the water is a bit murky.
This is a crater called Molokini. We took a boat out to here and snorkeled by the rock. There were a lot of tropical fishies out here and the visibility was at least 20ft in whatever direction you looked. Amazing snorkeling here.

We saw a lot of school of bright tropical fish. When we went diving we saw an octopus, shrimp, frog fish, baby shark, and turtles. It was incredible.

I thought this little guy was THE COOLEST fish ever. I saw him at the Ulua beach dive.

Magic Show

On the "Four Winds II"

This was a delicious raspberry cheesecake we had just before the magic show.

Here is the magician from the show "Warren and Anabelles" in Lahaina. The show was marvelous. He made a bowling ball appear out of nowhere. Twice. A must-see if you visit Maui.

More Maui

After the magic show, outside.

Chilling out at the beach.

Fun in Maui

Taking a break after a snorkeling hunt for turtles in the ferocious waves.

On the "Four Winds II" --a boat that took us to Molokini Crater to snorkel.

At the Nakalele Blowhole. Its more impressive in real life, the picture just doesn't capture it.

This was a path we had to walk through to get to Honolua Bay.


This was today at Po'olenalena beach in south Maui.

The black rock in West Maui. This is the first place we snorkeled, and one of the neatest. We saw all kinds of fabulous looking fish here, as well as 4 or 5 turtles.

This was at Honolua Bay. We also snorkeled here. We had to swim out to the boat you can see in the background. We also saw a sea turtle here. It was a little bit exhausting swimming all that way, it helped that we had a couple of floaty noodles.

I took this picture wednesday morning at 5.30AM from our balcony.

Getting ready for scuba lessons :) Doesn't he look adorable in his wetsuit.