Sunday, September 25, 2011


We've just spent the last week in Maui. It has been so wonderful. HUGE THANK YOU to mom for watching Bethany for us. You are SO AMAZING and SWEET to do that. Thanks to Sheri for helping out so much too, and giving up your house for a week. Thanks to everyone else who has helped (Cortny, Dave, Scott, David, KatiAnne). Bethany loves you all so much. It has meant the world to us to be able to go on this vacation together. It has been an INCREDIBLE trip. We've had very action-packed days. We snorkeled, boogie boarded, scuba dived, and swam. Luckily we are only minimally sunburned. Last night we ate at a delicious Chinese restaurant in south Maui and then walked along the beach at sunset. Maui is beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you and Ben got to go and make such awesome memories! Mom is so kind and giving, isn't she?!
    I kind of already commented to you through email :) But I can't wait to skype and hear more details on everything. I am so glad that you guys had a blast and that Bethany did so well.
    Love you.
