Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BYU and Monkey Bag

Awwww.... Bethany loves auntie Cortny so much. Here she is wearing Scott's BYU hoodie. SO CUTE! We spent the day in Springville since Ben is gone. We had a really nice time going to church with Cortny/Dave, Sheri/David/Scott. We are really looking forward to December when Bethany can go to nursery! She is so ready. I know she will love it. And I will love being able to sit peacefully through sunday school and RS!

I bought Bethany this cute monkey backpack.... it also has a harness attached so when we are out in crowds I will be able to keep ahold of her easier. She has so much energy and loves to run away so she will get chased. Its her recent favorite game. She squeels with delight when I run after her. Its fun in a park, but not exactly the game I want to be playing in downtown SLC.

The monkey was a big hit, since she LOVES Curious George. She calls him "love u george" and carried him around the house all morning.


  1. How cute is she!!!! Bonnie had the same little monkey. She loved to put things in the pocket in the back. I found strange things in there all the time. Congrats to Ben!!!!! So glad you are loving SLC.

  2. SO cute!! Caden had that same monkey backpack but we couldn't get him to wear it. He would always run away and the tail being so low would make him fall flat on his face... haha. Or maybe he just has bad balance? Either way, it didn't work for us. So i'm glad it's working for you guys :)
    That can be scary when kids run!!
