Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Contraption

We designed a special contraption so that Bethany would be able to get the dummy back after she spits it out.. to prevent us having to go in the room during the night to put it back in! She loved staring at the strings. However, it didn't last too long, and it wasn't quite as effective as we'd hoped lol She couldn't quite suck strong enough to get it to stay in her mouth. It was very tricky trying to get the angle right. Now she is learning to put it back in herself -- I just don't know how to transition her to sleeping without being swaddled. Any ideas? xxx


  1. HILARIOUS!!!!! I laughed so hard when I saw this! And Caden asked why Bethany was in the hospital.. hahah! You guys are so fun!

    Caden was swaddled til he was two, so don't ask me! I still kind of swaddle myself in the blankets. I'd say there isn't a rush to unswaddle her, but if you are concerned about it, you can buy sleep bags, or sleep sacs. They are like a zip-up blanket with arm holes. I bought one for Caden when he was little, but he didn't like it, he preferred being swaddled. I'd let you borrow it but its size 12months, so it would be too big. Maya is still swaddled, but whenever I go check on her, the swaddle is off and she's in a completely different position! They just grow big enough and strong enough to "break free" when they don't want to be in it anymore. Good luck

    Thanks for updating, it was so fun to read. I love you guys! xoxo

  2. I love this post!!! I laughed out loud when I saw it. Adam did the same thing with Bonnie!!!!! We tied the string to the sides of the crib instead though. Then later when she could reach the dummies we decided to put lots and lots of them in her crib. For a couple nights she had like 10 laying next to her :)

    Oh Lara these pictures are priceless! Bethany will love them when she is older. It looks like you guys are doing so well. Bethany is so beautiful!! I loved looking at all your pictures.
