Thursday, November 4, 2010

Girls Lunch

Bethany had her first girls lunch out last week. She came with Cortny and I to eat at the CrackerBarrell. She wore her styling little Calvin Klein outfit that Cortny gave her, and she was so excited to leave the house and see a new environment. I need to take her out more! She was just staring and staring at the lights and the people at the restaurant. Although she fell asleep for half of it! We had a great time. Can you see Bethany's cute blond fuzzy hair coming in? Adorable.


  1. Oh her hair IS coming in! How fun! So your babies SLEEP and have HAIR!! No fair ;)
    Love you
    (YOu look gorgeous in this pic by the way)

  2. all of these new photos are darling! Bethany gets cuter and cuter every time I see her!!!! How is that possible? How fun these all are.
    Love you lots.
