Thursday, March 19, 2009


I wish I had some cool news or something... but we're just doing the same old same old stuff. Ben is working hard at his classes, and I'm just loving my job. We're trying to make some decisions about where we might want to live after Ben finishes school. His program wants you to choose a city, then go there for a training and internship this summer and next, then work there. So they like you to decide early on. But its hard to know where we will want to be in 2 and a half years from now. It seems too far away. We've thought about Seattle, Philadelphia, New York, and a few more. We're waiting to hear back from one of the companies about any possible international opportunities (uk or canada) However, if we go that route, Ben will most likely be on his own to find the job... they don't usually recruit internationally. Anyways, lots to consider. We're excited about the nicer weather down here. Its finally sunny and we've stopped putting our heat on becasue we dont' need it anymore. I'll add some pictures soon. xxx


  1. You guys would be going to one of those cities this summer??? I didn't realize that! Wow, New York would be really fun (but probably expensive)... I vote Seattle because its the closest to us!!! And I've heard that Washington is absolutely beautiful !!
    Love you!!

  2. I'm praying for you with this decision. I want to pray that you'll be close to us, but you'll be proud to know that I am actually praying that you'll be able to go where the Lord wants you, and where will be best for YOU. Have a good day. And thanks for updating your blog. I love it when there is something new!!
    Love, Mom
