Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I just have to say, I love costco. Its the best store on earth. Yesterday I went there to kill some time while I was waiting for Ben to finish studying and found so many delicious little taste testers. They don't even minf if you have seconds. One lady told me to take 5 samples of pasta because she had to close up.... I took them all.


  1. Hey, great idea for a cheap supper! I am always too embarrassed to take more than one, even though I always WANT to. I guess I just need to be braver. After all, what's the worst thing they could do--frown at me?
    Love, Mom

  2. We always go at 11am, because the best samples are from 11-12! Caden loves the free samples more than I do, and we usually spend about 40 minutes longer than we need to at costco, waiting for samples to get out of the oven and circling the store so that the ladies don't recognize us when we go up for seconds (or fifths!)
