Monday, March 22, 2010

Dinner Tonight

I made mac and cheese bake tonight--I'm so proud of it. It was delicious.

I've popped!

This is 27 weeks (just barely 6 months)! It really feels like I've popped out huge. I am starting to feel very pregnant and uncomfortable! I know I've got a ways to go yet but I really can't imagine getting any bigger. Our little girl is quite active. She likes to do summersaults at night. She kept me up till 1 last night because she decided she was hungry. She doesn't like driving along university avenue because its too bumpy. She thought it would be funny to kick my bladder today when I was dying for a bathroom break, sitting in the middle of an appointment. So I think she's got a sense of humor. We can't wait for her to arrive!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Navajo Tacos

Here's some home made navajo tacos. I was so proud of these. They were supposed to be soft tacos-- but I didn't have a rollling pin so I couldn't roll them out thin. Anyways they ended up being far too thick so I just pretended I had tried to make navajo tacos.

Here's also my belly at 25 weeks. Its kinda a dark picture-- sorry. Hope you can see it alright.



25 weeks pregnant belly

Monday, March 1, 2010

Food Storage

So I have a goal to get our years supply of food storage before the end of 2010. my visiting teacher is amazing-- she actually cooks only from her food storage supply. It inspired me to start learning about food storage,and getting my own. Also, I've kept meaning to try out that beautiful wheat grinder that mom and dad gave me-- so nows the time I've decided :) my visiting teacher gave me a spread sheet of calculated amounts of various items, so I'm starting with that. If any of you have any suggestions/advice/etc please let me know.