Sunday, March 7, 2010

Navajo Tacos

Here's some home made navajo tacos. I was so proud of these. They were supposed to be soft tacos-- but I didn't have a rollling pin so I couldn't roll them out thin. Anyways they ended up being far too thick so I just pretended I had tried to make navajo tacos.

Here's also my belly at 25 weeks. Its kinda a dark picture-- sorry. Hope you can see it alright.




  1. Oh Lara your belly is SO CUTE!! What a PERFECT bump! You are just shinning! I can't wait to see you next month!!!
    I am so proud of you for making those navajo tacos- you are becoming so domestic!! :) They look so delish!

    Caden wants to type you a message now:


  2. You look darling. I wish I had looked that great at 5 months pregnant. And way to go for even TRYING to make tortillas. Wow, that is something I have never done. (navajo tacos is such a great idea--it just reminded me of them--I haven't made them for years and I think I will really soon--the family here at home THANKS you!!)

    Love, Mom
