Monday, March 22, 2010

I've popped!

This is 27 weeks (just barely 6 months)! It really feels like I've popped out huge. I am starting to feel very pregnant and uncomfortable! I know I've got a ways to go yet but I really can't imagine getting any bigger. Our little girl is quite active. She likes to do summersaults at night. She kept me up till 1 last night because she decided she was hungry. She doesn't like driving along university avenue because its too bumpy. She thought it would be funny to kick my bladder today when I was dying for a bathroom break, sitting in the middle of an appointment. So I think she's got a sense of humor. We can't wait for her to arrive!


  1. Bahahaha, what a great post!! I love her so much already!!!
    Try not to drink anything cold and sweet (like juice) in the evening. That makes babies want to play all night long :) Hope you aren't too uncomfortable at night yet. Did Sheri give you that preog pillow?

    You look beautiful, what a perfect bump! And that dinner looks amazing... I'm so proud of you! :)

    I mailed all of the baby shower invites. We'll call soon and I will tell you more about who I send them to, etc. There is a big bag coming to you full of extra's to give out. Can't wait!!!!

  2. and by "preog pillow", I mean prego pillow.

  3. You look darling. I don't think there is anything more beautiful than being pregnant. I can't wait to see you in person--and also to see the baby in person!!!
    Congrats on making such a nice dinner. It looks delicious. Where did you get the recipe? Have a great day and hope to talk with you soon.
    Love, Mom

  4. You look beautiful Lara. It's amazing to think their is a sweet little baby girl in there. It's fun to hear about how active she is. She wants you to know she's there. I hope she can give you some more sleep but how fun to feel her like that :)
