Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hi family! GUESS WHAT? I am so so excited because Ben and I just booked a 4-day cruise with carnival cruises to Mexico. It starts in LA and then goes to catalina and ensenada, then back to LA. It was only 613.00 total! (plus our gas money to drive to LA). We are going on April 27th, right after graduation. Its sort of like a delayed honeymoon/graduation celebration! We have been looking into this for awhile, and we finally found a really good deal, so we took it. Its cool cus the cruise includes everything such as food, entertainment (movies, pool, hot tub, shows, golf, tennis, etc... its a massive ship). Then when you stop on shore you can sight-see for the day. We made a plan that we needed to save a certain amount of money, and then we could go... and we've worked out that we will have saved that much by August. But we wanted to go ahead and take this one in April since it was good timing, and such a good price. We figured this would be a good time to go since next summer Ben will be doing a full time internship, and then who knows what. So anyways, that's the plan. We're pretty excited. Its nice for us to have this to look forward to, especially to help Ben get through such a hard semester! After we booked it I was so excited I was jumping up and down for about 20 minutes! Ben has a good friend who went on the exact same cruise last summer, with the same company. He said it was totally magical.. he's doing it again this year. He said it was totally worth the money, and he recommended lots of things to us, like the location, and room and stuff. Anyways, that's our big news for the day. I miss you all so much and I love you! Call me anytime, I'm always available! xxxx -Lara

Monday, January 26, 2009

SNOW glorious snow

Hi everyone! So its been snowing non stop today. Here's a picture of me all bundled up in my PJs to go grocery shopping. And this is Ben's little office that we set up downstairs for him to study in. He's working so hard! Today we had a big bonfire in the back yard and burned all my thesis study notes and all my clinical stuff from the hospital (its about the clients so its confidential stuff-- they told me I either had to burn it or shred it.... so we burned it) It was really fun. We stunk so bad after though! We smelled awful. I also ventured out into the snowstorn to get some hot fudge so we could enjoy our box of cookies n' cream BYU ice cream to the MAX. Hot fudge is essential, of course.  

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Does anyone else want to see "confessions of a shopaholic?" I think it looks HILARIOUS. I can't wait till it comes out on Feb 13th. If you haven't seen it, watch the trailer on imbd.com

I love the part where she cuts the credit card out of the ice block. 

Sunday comments

Couldn't figure out how to rotate the picture of Ben the right way. Sorry! It looks like he is lying on top of the fridge! It was funny today because we had ward choir practice at 9 am (the first official one we've had w/ our new director) and there were only about 6 people there. Then, during our performance in sacrament meeting about 15 people came up. Thank goodness. But I just wonder how people can get up and perform without even practicing? I would be way too nervous that I would mess up, or sing when its supposed to be quiet, or when its supposed to be just men or something. There are some brave souls in our ward. Or maybe they just feel loads of pressure to get up since its their calling to be in the choir! Who knows. But at least we had a good group of people to sing with! I'd love to talk to you all today. I tried to call but no one picked up. I really need to learn that chem-dry number! I miss you all so much! xxxxx


Friday, January 23, 2009

Chilling at Sheri's

Hard Rice

Hi again family. So, Ben got a horrible fever last night. He couldn't stop shivering with the chills but he was sweating and his forehead was really hot. I was so worried about him. He didn't sleep well, was up for most of the night. He is feeling a little better now, but he has been home on the couch all day. Poor guy. He's had a rough month. He's just been so sick. I hope it goes away soon. Now he is playing Fifa and I am sitting here blogging. I'm also trying to cook some rice. I am the absolute worst at cooking rice. It always explodes over the top, and then the rice is hard. I can't get it right. I guess I just need practice.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

my day

Im so glad to see that Mom, the Matthews, and the Stewarts, have added blogs! They are so cute you guys! Today Ben went to school and studied, and I worked. I had six visits today, so it was really busy. We got a game called "world of goo" on the wii. Its hilarious, and really fun. You guys should get it. And you play it together, so no competition. Well, I love you all, and miss you mucho. Please come visit soon. 

Monday, January 19, 2009

Goldie Family

Here is the family picture we took just before we left Aberdeen. Notice how Finlay is holding Jessica's hand! how cute. 

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The beginning

alright. we finally joined the world of blogging. here goes