Friday, January 23, 2009

Hard Rice

Hi again family. So, Ben got a horrible fever last night. He couldn't stop shivering with the chills but he was sweating and his forehead was really hot. I was so worried about him. He didn't sleep well, was up for most of the night. He is feeling a little better now, but he has been home on the couch all day. Poor guy. He's had a rough month. He's just been so sick. I hope it goes away soon. Now he is playing Fifa and I am sitting here blogging. I'm also trying to cook some rice. I am the absolute worst at cooking rice. It always explodes over the top, and then the rice is hard. I can't get it right. I guess I just need practice.

1 comment:

  1. OH NO!! Poor Ben!!! I hope that he is feeling better by now. He really has had a rough month, hasn't he?! That really sucks. Has he been in to see the doctor? Maybe you could get David to give him a blessing!
    Rice sucks to cook. I hate it. I have been trying for three years, and I can't get it right. You can't lift the pot lid while its cooking, or it ruins everything, and seeing as I am the least patient person in the world, I always check on my rice and ruin it. So, we stick with mashed potatoes :)
    Thanks for blogging, I love stalking your profile :)
