Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hi family! GUESS WHAT? I am so so excited because Ben and I just booked a 4-day cruise with carnival cruises to Mexico. It starts in LA and then goes to catalina and ensenada, then back to LA. It was only 613.00 total! (plus our gas money to drive to LA). We are going on April 27th, right after graduation. Its sort of like a delayed honeymoon/graduation celebration! We have been looking into this for awhile, and we finally found a really good deal, so we took it. Its cool cus the cruise includes everything such as food, entertainment (movies, pool, hot tub, shows, golf, tennis, etc... its a massive ship). Then when you stop on shore you can sight-see for the day. We made a plan that we needed to save a certain amount of money, and then we could go... and we've worked out that we will have saved that much by August. But we wanted to go ahead and take this one in April since it was good timing, and such a good price. We figured this would be a good time to go since next summer Ben will be doing a full time internship, and then who knows what. So anyways, that's the plan. We're pretty excited. Its nice for us to have this to look forward to, especially to help Ben get through such a hard semester! After we booked it I was so excited I was jumping up and down for about 20 minutes! Ben has a good friend who went on the exact same cruise last summer, with the same company. He said it was totally magical.. he's doing it again this year. He said it was totally worth the money, and he recommended lots of things to us, like the location, and room and stuff. Anyways, that's our big news for the day. I miss you all so much and I love you! Call me anytime, I'm always available! xxxx -Lara


  1. No way! I am so excited for you guys! That will be so fun, you guys deserve a nice break from school and work! Yay!

  2. SAY WHAT?!?!?! LARA, THAT IS AWESOME!! OOOhhh we've been wanting to do a cruise to Mexico forever! But we are SOOO happy for you guys. If anyone deserves a break, its you two!!
    I can't wait for you guys, that is so exciting!!!
    YAY !!

  3. I thought I already made a comment here, but somehow it never showed up. But we are very happy for you, and so excited that you get to do something so wonderful. You deserve the break, that is for sure. We love you lots, and hope to talk to you soon.
