Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday comments

Couldn't figure out how to rotate the picture of Ben the right way. Sorry! It looks like he is lying on top of the fridge! It was funny today because we had ward choir practice at 9 am (the first official one we've had w/ our new director) and there were only about 6 people there. Then, during our performance in sacrament meeting about 15 people came up. Thank goodness. But I just wonder how people can get up and perform without even practicing? I would be way too nervous that I would mess up, or sing when its supposed to be quiet, or when its supposed to be just men or something. There are some brave souls in our ward. Or maybe they just feel loads of pressure to get up since its their calling to be in the choir! Who knows. But at least we had a good group of people to sing with! I'd love to talk to you all today. I tried to call but no one picked up. I really need to learn that chem-dry number! I miss you all so much! xxxxx

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