Monday, January 26, 2009

SNOW glorious snow

Hi everyone! So its been snowing non stop today. Here's a picture of me all bundled up in my PJs to go grocery shopping. And this is Ben's little office that we set up downstairs for him to study in. He's working so hard! Today we had a big bonfire in the back yard and burned all my thesis study notes and all my clinical stuff from the hospital (its about the clients so its confidential stuff-- they told me I either had to burn it or shred it.... so we burned it) It was really fun. We stunk so bad after though! We smelled awful. I also ventured out into the snowstorn to get some hot fudge so we could enjoy our box of cookies n' cream BYU ice cream to the MAX. Hot fudge is essential, of course.  


  1. I agree about hot fudge being essential. And you need LOTS of it--I had a hot fudge Sundae a couple of days ago, and ran out of hot fudge 50 percent the way through--bad deal!!!
    It sounds fun to burn all your stuff. Wish I could have been there for that. Love you.

  2. You know what else is essential to ice cream? "A little bit of sun and a little bit of moon" ! Haha
    Your bonfire sounded fun! And cute pics, I like Ben's new study area. Is that a new TV stand I see in the background, or just my imagination?
