Sunday, February 1, 2009

Piano Lessons

Hi family! I hope you all had a really nice sunday. Sheri and David came over to our for dinner. We had baked potatoes but since it was fast sunday, and everyone was so starving, we didn't wait until they finished cooking in the oven, we just nuked them instead! Then we had some cookies that David and Sheri brought, then we all played tetris on the wii. Sheri is an expert. She beat both me and Ben, and we've been training for weeks. She's pretty good at puzzle stuff like that. So I've decided to start up piano lessons again. My visiting teacher has a degree in piano performance and she teaches lessons. She's really nice. She said she has a spot open so I'm gonna take for at least 6 months and see how it goes. I'm excited to improve a bit. I just want to be at the point where I can play comfortably for church and be able to sight read pieces on my own. She expects her students to practice at least an hour a day. That would seem like a lot, but since I'm done school and have absolutely loads of free time, its something I can for sure do right now. So I might as well do this now while I have time, and improve my piano skills. I miss you all so much. xxx


  1. Hey, good for you!! I am excited for you. I absolutely LOVED taking piano lessons as an adult. And it will give you something to do on those long nights when Ben is studying. I miss you and love you!

  2. I don't know why it posted me as Zemp News--is that Daddy's account? I really don't understand this blogging stuff!
    Love Mom

  3. Piano lessons!! Good for you, Lara!! That is really cool. I took piano lessons from mom while I was pregnant, and I loved it. I want to start again, we just stopped with the craziness of Caden being born.
    Haha I loved your story about nuking the potato! You guys are hilarious. It was so good talking on the phone today. Thanks for calling.
