Friday, February 6, 2009

Lunch Break

HI guys. I'm at work right now, but I've decided to take a lunch break and update my blog. Sorry its been so long. I've actually had a surprisingly busy week. I'm getting a lot of kids now, so Im keeping very busy. At least the 40 hours of work a week goes by fast. Ben and I watched an episode of the office late last night online. Its the one that aired last week about when Dwight pretends there is a fire in the building. Oh wow it is hilarious. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe. You gotta watch it. Its on under most popular episodes. The episode is season 5 episode 13 and its called "stress relief." Anyways, the first 5 minutes is the funniest. Then it kinda goes downhill from there. But you gotta at least watch the first part. Ben has had his first set of exams this week. He's doing a great job on them. This is his last one today. Poor guy. I really don't miss that part about school. Its so good to just be able to come home and relax in the evening, without the worry of homework hanging over your head. Im so glad I'm done with that. I feel so badm I made a bit of a scene at church on sunday. There were 2 girls that just would not stop texting during the lesson. I should have just ignored it but for some reason I couldn't. I was so sad that they were missing out on a beautiful lesson about the Savior. So I made a huge big deal out of it. I feel bad. They probably don't like me much anymore. But I think it had to be said. Its hard having to be the leader when you just would rather be always a friend. But they do need to learn to have a bit of respect for the teacher. Anyways, I felt pretty bad about that. I'll write more later. I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hahah I laughed so hard at the Office that I almost peed my pants.. it was a close one!
    I had a girl in my class when I taught youth sunday school who was always texting and I HATED IT. It is really rude. You don't need to feel bad for telling them not to, its your responsibility, and they need to hear it. I know it sucks though and I am sorry that you had to do it. When they are leaders, they'll have to do the same. And I am sure that they still like you, you are the most likeable person ever! :)
